We Rolled in all of the Good Stuff into one Course!
Over the last few years, we've held several programs, workshops, mentorship sessions, representation options, and much more.
And guess what? We've learned a thing or two about what worked best and what surface designers are asking for.
So here it is. We've created a program that breaks down the work to build your business into manageable chunks. We've added in infrastructure and support to help you get there. We've also made the plan more affordable than ever.
Read on, find out what is new, and we sincerely hope you will choose to join us in our journey. We believe we are stronger together!
What Drives Me
Hi. I'm Lisa Larsen. People introduce me as the person who thinks you can do anything. You can. You just have to want it, commit to doing it, use the resources and support around you, and take consistent small steps to get you there.
That's where I come in. I am obsessed with creating environments and frameworks that enable people to achieve their goals. Maybe it is all of those years I spent managing projects in industry, maybe it is just that I love to see the joy in people's faces when they say -- I did it!
I now run an art licensing agency, and I share what I've learned along the way with artists who aspire to license their artwork. It doesn't matter if you are just getting started or if you've been around the block a time or two. The methods and systems I use are the same I use in my agency. You know what they say... You have to walk the talk.
Create, Organize, Pitch
CREATE: Do you struggle to come up with new and relevant content to create on a regular basis? I hear you. Maybe you've drawn flowers one too many times. Maybe you are unsure of what topics are interesting to licensees. We've got you. With twelve modules, we provide you with a new art brief each month and dive into how to create relevant art for different markets.
ORGANIZE: Do you have tons of art and designs which are scattered in your hard drive somewhere? Do you spend hours getting everything up on your website? I'll let you in on a little secret. At my agency and for my personal portfolio, I decided to invest in an professional portfolio management solution, and I never looked back. It is based on the Artonomo Platform, developed by Jewel Branding. If it is good enough for them, it is good enough for me! And guess what? I'll teach you how to use Artonomo to manage your portfolio and client database. It's made a huge difference in my business, and I believe the investment is worth it!
PITCH: Now, let's get real. You like to create new designs, you do it all the time. Maybe you've created a nice online presence. But are you showing your work to companies who may license it? Are you doing it with purpose? Regularly? Perhaps you have, but you are frustrated by the lack of response. Perhaps you don't know who to send your work to or how to send it. This is where the rubber hits the road. This is where I guide you on submitting your work to actual companies. That's right, I'll even give you the contact information to send it to. I'll help you to create a purposeful plan to target your primary market, and another to leverage your art into secondary markets. No more fear, no more excuses, I want you to pitch your artwork 250+ times.
They say practice makes perfect, that you have to put in the 10,000 hours. I believe that hard work and perseverance pays off. After you go through this process monthly for a year, my guess is you'll be a pro at this!
Monthly Art Briefs
12 modules of art briefs, released monthly. Each brief provides a topic, an inspiration board, ideas for various markets, design tips, a market and client study, portfolio update instructions, and submission information.
Portfolio Management
We will teach you how to use the Artonomo platform and easily create a professional, password protected, searchable portfolio, complete with brand books and collection lookbooks. Streamline your submission process and focus on licensing your work!
Pitch Your Work
Design a purposeful art submission plan to target your primary and secondary markets. Consistently and professionally submit your work based on your plan. Let's wow your future clients!
We want to help you be visible to our followers.
We will link to your Artonomo portfolios from "Artist Portfolios" page and reference it in our client mailings.
We will publish Lookbooks of new student artwork on our website and publish images on our social media platforms.
We can all use a little help from our friends, right?
We know from experience that there will be a lot of questions throughout this program. In order to provide a forum where I and your peers can answer questions to help you along the way, we've created a private Facebook community.
We want this to be a safe space where you can share your work, ask for feedback, ask for technical help about our platform, and shortcut the painful process of trying to figure everything out on your own.
Example Curriculum
There are twelve sessions, one released each month. This is a full year of workshops intended to create a practice out of creating and pitching your art to companies who license!